Jan 317 min read
Apr 22, 202410 min read
Earn rewards by inviting friends to Sweatcoin Refer and Earn program and win up to 1,000 Sweatcoin, $50 Airbnb voucher, or iPhone 14 Pro Max. Stay active and earn rewards!
A: Sweatcoin is a free app that rewards users for their daily physical activity with a digital currency that can be spent on various products or donated to charity.
A: Sweatcoin uses your smartphone's accelerometer and GPS location to track your steps and convert them into sweatcoins, which can then be spent on products or donated to charity.
A: You can earn sweatcoins by simply walking or running outside while having the app open on your phone. The more steps you take, the more sweatcoins you earn.
A: The Sweatcoin Refer and Earn program is a way for users to invite their friends to the Sweatcoin app and earn rewards for doing so.
A: To participate in the program, you simply need to share your unique invite link with your friends. When your friend registers for Sweatcoin using your link, you will be able to scratch a prize draw ticket to reveal your reward.
A: The rewards you can earn through the program include up to 1,000 Sweatcoin, a $25 PlayStation Network voucher, a $50 Airbnb voucher, an Xbox Series X, and even an iPhone 14 Pro Max.
A: There is no limit to the number of friends you can refer to Sweatcoin. The more friends you refer, the more chances you have to earn rewards.
A: Once you have won a reward through the prize draw ticket, Sweatcoin will contact you via email with further instructions on how to claim your reward.
A: The program is ongoing, and there is no time limit for participating. You can invite friends and earn rewards as long as the program is active.
A: Yes, the program is available worldwide. Anyone can participate in the program and earn rewards, regardless of their location.
A: No, the Sweatcoin Refer and Earn program is designed for referring friends and family members, not yourself. You will not be able to earn rewards by referring yourself.
A: You can use your sweatcoins to purchase products or services from various partners of the Sweatcoin app, such as fitness classes, workout gear, and even vacations. You can also donate your sweatcoins to various charities.
A: Sweatcoins get their value from partnerships with brands that want to connect with health-conscious audiences, insurers who wish to encourage healthier lifestyle choices, and governments looking to reduce healthcare costs. Sweatcoin also works with the NHS to deliver Healthy Incentive programs across the country using personalized data-driven approaches to deliver sustained behavior change.
A: No, Sweatcoins cannot be exchanged for real money. However, they can be used to purchase various products and services from partners of the Sweatcoin app.
A: Yes, Sweatcoin is safe to use. The app does not collect any personal data other than your steps and location, which are used solely for the purpose of calculating sweatcoins. The app is also regularly updated to ensure security and privacy.
A: Yes, according to Sweatcoin's data, users become 20% more active each day even after six months of using the app. This has the potential to transform public health by using Sweatcoin as a prevention tool for sustained behavior change.